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Economic Audits

Optimize your DeFi protocols with our in-depth market risk evaluation, mechanism design, and parameterization using cutting-edge models.

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AVG on-chain Price


% of the time within a price variation of 1.0%


in secured Stablecoin volume

Our Services

Mechanism Design

Design & Improve current Mechanisms for a wide variety of protocols, from Liquidation Mechanisms to Points Programs and Tokenomics, Three Sigma can help design your protocol.

User & Liquidity Soucing

Onboarding Active Users & Liquidity by designing sustainable and long-lasting incentive programs that foster a healthy ecosystem in all types of market conditions.

Economic audit &
Risk Management

Analyse your protocol’s mechanism to find risk vectors or inefficiencies against adverse Market Conditions, Governance Attacks, and Oracle Risk.

Research &
Market Analysis

Deep Technical Research on Infrastructure and DeFi related topics & Market Analysis provide teams with the insight they need to position their protocol in the most efficient way possible.

Past work

All(9)Derivatives(4)Institutional(3)Money Market(2)Options(1)


Coming soon

Report (PDF)

Money Market
Report (PDF)


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Coming soon

Money Market

Coming soon


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Coming soon


Coming soon

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